Blog Updates
Many of you have asked for e-mail updates in addition to blog updates. We've set up an RSS feed on the site for those of you using RSS readers (think of it like a customized newpaper in which you choose the content - Google reader is a good one to start with because it's easy). Just click on the button in the column on the right to add our blog.
The other way to keep up to date is to e-mail me (lizzyyungATgmailDOTcom) with "Keep me updated" in the subject line and I'll add you to an e-mail list. We'll send out an e-mail with a short update every couple of weeks with what's been happening and reminding you to check our blog.
Also I would love to hear from all of YOU! It's kind of sad leaving home for 9 months so we would love you to keep us updated on what is going on in your lives!
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